Welcome to the Dunstable Church

We are a small, friendly church, and you will certainly be welcomed warmly! Our Sunday service is primarily traditional with contemporary music and hymns.
Below you will find information about what to expect on a Sunday morning at the church.

Parking and access
Parking is along the side and back of the church building. Parking for disabled people is available on the East side of the building next to the playground with access to a lift which avoids all stairs. Entrance to parking is one-way in on the right side of the building and one-way out on the left side.
Each Sunday a message will be presented from the Bible with biblical emphasis and life application. We trust that this look into Scripture will be relevant, encouraging, and challenging for you.
Music is an important way in which we give thanks and honor to God. We sing both contemporary songs accompaned by a band and traditional hymns accompanied by piano and organ.
Christian Education
At 9:00 AM, before the worship service, an adult class is held Click here for more information about the class.
We celebrate Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist, on the first Sunday of every month. This is a time when we remember and reflect on the death of Jesus for our forgiveness.
Our church is supported by the generosity of those who call this their church home. Offering baskets are available Sunday morning for our regular attendees to give back a small portion of what God has given them. Some folks give online. Click here to give online. As a visitor, you are our guest and are not expected to contribute.
Coffee Hour
Please join us for coffee, snacks, and socializing following the service.